Humanitarian Aid

Shipping Instructions

  • Register
  • Login
  • Create Shipment for each box
  • Confirmation number must be written on each box
  • Call 617-702-4747 to set up drop off appointment
- We accept packages 7 days a week

Доставка Посилок

Shipping Instructions

  • Register
  • Login
  • Create Shipment на кожну посилку окремо
  • Confirmation number написати на посилку
  • Посилки можна залишати в Norwell офіс самостійно до 7 вечора

  • Додаткова інформаця по тел 617-702-4747

About Meest-Boston

  • Since 1992 Meest-Boston provides shipping services to all eastern European countries . Meest-Boston can fulfill orders of any sizes, from small packages and letters to full size containers with personal belongings or any type of merchandises.
  • Our shipping services can be used from any town in the USA and packages can be shipped to any tiny village or major city in the destination country overseas.
  • Our vast experience in the industry allows Meest-Boston to offer air and sea services with very fast and reliable delivery, affordable rates and door to door delivery.
  • Our online tracking system keeps our customers up to date along the way to the final destination. Learn More
  • SelfService Drop Off

    • Login
    • Create Shipment
    • Complete the Customs Declaration form
    • Write the confirmation order number outside the box
    • Call 617-702-4747 to set arrival time

    Our Visitor Room equipped with remote controlled door and two way WiFi cameras for the room communication. The visitor room, office and warehouse are under surveillance security systems. Place boxes in the room and exit the room. No payments required at this point.

    Shopping for your overseas friends

    We offer ultimate safe shopping for your friends overseas.

    Shop and Ship items directly to our warehouse from any US store, we will consolidate and forward your package abroad. Register for the service or contact us for more info

    • Create your shopping cart at our warehouse
    • Unlimited time storage
    • Ship only when you done shopping
    • Let us consolidate your parcel exactly the way you want

    No Boxes - No Problem

    We offer diffrent sizes of brand new shipping boxes including double wall 18x18x28" boxes for fragile items. Also we will pack your items for you at our warehouse. You don't have to lift heavy boxes loading your car, just bring your contents for shipping and let us take care of you

    • We will pack your contents at our warehouse
    • We offer different sizes brand new shipping boxes
    • Free used boxes also available.

    All boxes are sealed by the security tapes and extra taped for safe transportation.

    Tracking shipments

    The parcel numbers are the tracking numbers.

    Online tracking systems provided by the transportation companies.

    • Meest Tracking
    • Progress and status of your parcel shipped to you
    • Knowing where your parcel is at any time can give you extra peace of mind
    • For more information or status of your shipments please call 800-288-9949

    Call 617-702-4747

    Meest- Boston your reliable international shipping partner


    shipping service


    Western Ukraine

    Air - $3.29 lb + $15

    Delivery Time 7-10 days

    Eastern Ukraine

    Air - $3.29 lb + $15
    Delivery Time 10-14 days

    Western Ukraine

    Sea - $1.39 lb + $15
    Delivery Time 3 to 4 weeks

    Eastern Ukraine

    Sea - $1.39 lb + $15
    Delivery Time 4 to 6 weeks

    Minimum weight - 10 lbs
    Maximum weight - 66 lbs

    Small package:
    Letter- $20.00
    Package 1-4 lbs - $25
    Package 5 lbs -$30


    Air - $3.29 lb + $20
    Delivery Time 10 days

    Sea - $1.69 lb + $20
    Delivery Time 6 to 7 weeks

    Minimum weight - 10 lbs

    Maximum weight - 66 lbs

    Small package:
    0.5 lb - $30
    1 lb -    $34
    2 lb -    $36
    3 lb -    $38
    4 lb -    $40

    Delivery Time  - up to 25 days


    Air - $4.00 lb + $20
    Delivery Time 10-15 days

    Minimum weight - 10 lbs

    Maximum weight - 66 lbs

    Small package:
    up to 5 lb - $44

    Maximum Value 500 Euro
    Delivery Time  - up to 9-14 days


    Air - $3.99 lb + $10
    Delivery Time 6-12 days

    Minimum weight - 10 lbs

    Maximum weight - 66 lbs

    Small package:
    up to 4.4 lb - $25

    Maximum Value $1000
    Delivery Time  - up to 7-12 days


    Air - $4.00 lb + $20
    Delivery Time 2-3 weeks

    Minimum weight - 10 lbs

    Maximum weight - 44 lbs

    Small package:
    1 lb - $26
    2 lb - $28
    3 lb - $30
    4 lb - $32
    5 lb - $34

    Maximum Value $1000
    Delivery Time  - 23-25 days


    Air - $3.29 lb + $15
    Delivery Time 6-12 days

    Minimum weight - 10 lbs

    Maximum weight - 66 lbs

    Small package:
    1 lb - $28
    2 lb - $32
    3 lb - $34
    4 lb - $36
    5 lb - $38

    Maximum Value $150
    Delivery Time  - 6-10 days


    Air - $4.10 lb + $20
    Delivery Time 7-14 days

    Minimum weight - 10 lbs

    Maximum weight - 66 lbs


    Air - $3.79 lb + 35
    Delivery Time 7-14 days

    Minimum weight - 10 lbs

    Maximum weight - 66 lbs


    What they are saying about us

    UPS Service

    UPS prepaid Shipping service


    $10 / processing fee

    • Flat rate fee
    • $10 per box
    • Convinient online payment


    $15 / pickup

    • Pickup from home or office
    • We offer $15 UPS flat rate pickup charge for any number of boxes

    Ship to our warehouse

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • Ship to our warehouse

      1. Log in.
      2. Complete Customs Declaration.
      3. Write the confirmation order number on the outside of the box.
      4. Take parcel(s) to the nearest post office: UPS, USPS, FedEx or any other carrier. If you requested a prepaid UPS shipping label on the Customs Declaration form, the label will be emailed to you within 1 business day.
      5. Once your shipment processed at our warehouse you will receive an email notification. You can pay your bill by logging in to your account.

    • 1. Drop off your package(s) at one of our locations in Stoughton, MA.
      2. Fill out Customs Declaration form in office. 3. We accept all forms of payment.

    • Meest Boston is a shipping company in Massachusetts. Our main goal is to provide reliable and economical shipping to Ukraine and Eastern Europe. One of our unique functions is delivering exceptional service to clients over the Internet. Many of our customers live in areas where they are not able to personally deliver packages and boxes. With a convenience of their home, anybody from continental United States is able to have a full access to our services by shipping a package to our warehouse. Once received we will do all of the necessary paperwork and forward package(s) to the final destination, providing you with a tracking number. To make it easier we provide prepaid shipping labels to our office in Massachusetts.

    • Meest Boston has been in the shipping and logistics industry since 1992. Many years of experience give us a chance to provide best customer service and reliable shipping service. Meest Boston strives in the market by providing safe and pleasant experience for customers looking to deliver packages overseas.

    • Bosmix is our subsidiary company which provides consolidation and shipping services for clients who are in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova or other Eastern European countries. This service lets customers overseas shop in U.S. online stores and ship items to Bosmix warehouse for further processing and international shipping.

    • You can pay for our services by logging on your online account. You will be transferred to PayPal to complete your payment. You can also mail a check or money order or call us to pay by phone. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for payments to be updated on your account. Please make a check payable to:
      Bosmix LLC
      45R Washington street
       Norwell, MA 02061

    • We accept PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, personal checks.

    • Payments are not updated instantly. Please check if you have received a PayPal confirmation email and allow up to 24 hours for your payment to be updated in your account.

    • We no longer support submission of Customs Declaration form without a registered account. Every customer is required to register or log in.

    • We ship a range of products including pallets, freight and containers. Please contact us for a custom quote or if you have an irregular shipment.

    • On your account click on the Shipping History link. Every package has a tracking parcel number and "Ship Date", this is the date when your package is expected to be shipped or was shipped from our warehouse.

    • Yes. Aerosols, perfumes and other flammable liquids are prohibited from air shipments. Complete list of prohibited items is our here .


    Contact Us


    45R Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061
    (in rear)


    +1 617-702-4747

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